this routine riot

...a little less zoom, with a little more vroom...

Thursday, June 30, 2005

wack arnold's

Today, we went out to get some McDonald's. Two McNugget meals with two toys cost just under $10 Canadian. Let me know if you love Hello Kitty and I'll get you a toy. (Don't worry Ryan, I got you one)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I forgot to post something very important about Japan. They have ass washers on their toilets. On my last night there, I mustered up the courage to give it a try. There is a spray choice and a bidet choice (dunno what that is) and you can also control water pressure. It's smart too, it only lets you use it if it senses that you are sitting on it. No free demos here. I put it on the spray setting and expected a light cool mist to caress my booty. Instead, it was a pretty hot stream of sharp water! Yikes! Stop button please! Now you know what it's like. You don't have to walk in blind like me. I definitely recommend that you try it if you are in Japan. Unless, of course, you have a thing against enemas.


That's my final mark on my CHEM 102 class. I just checked it right now on webCT. I got 40 out of 53 on the final, which I finished first out of the whole class (yes, I'm proud of that). My B+ is very acceptable to me, because I know for sure there were super hardcores that did more work than me. I did my fair share of work though. I did more work in those three weeks than I did in my two years of science classes. I know what it takes now, so hopefully this will be the trend for my remaining BIO classes!

withdrawl symptoms

Yo y'all, I'm in Hong Kong right now. Computer access has been scarce. I got on a computer in our Japan hotel, which was cool, but not enough.

We went to Japan after a few days in Hong Kong. It was super sweet. I'll be the first to admit that I was culture shocked. I haven't been in a place where I don't know the language (I can speak Cantonese in Hong Kong). Some places had English speaking people, most places didn't. My cousins don't eat sushi of the raw variety, so I didn't get to experience straight up fish. I'm talking sushi, not Tokyo Express sushi. Apparently they don't accept tips there either. We left a tip at a restaurant and the server came running out to give it back to us. People there are extremely polite. People would greet us and I'd just nod because I didn't know what they were saying, but I knew it was something nice. I also fell in love with their cell phones. They aren't dinky little silver phones we see in Canada, but rather large in comparison. You'd think smaller is better, but in Japan, the phones are quite big. They have companies like Vodaphone and Foma. The streets of Akihabara (thanks Ry) were covered with these phones. Unfortunately they don't work in North America, so I didn't come home with one. In fact, I only came back with a track jacket and a t-shirt. I'm not much of a shopper.

Hong Kong is different. People are kinda rude here. It's the life though, it's how you survive. If you are polite here, people take advantage of you. I gotta walk around with the "fuck you" sign on my forehead. It's all good though. Toilets are kind of small, and I don't even have a fat ass!

Hopefully our home internet access gets fixed up. I looked for this internet cafe in this tourism magazine and it was seriously teh suck. It was in this shady mall complex and after all the searching, we found out that it was a crappy little 6 foot by 12 foot room with four computers. Not even worth my time...


P.S. I don't have SARS yet.

Friday, June 17, 2005


I am officially done my spring class. I am sooooooo relieved, it was like I swallowed a scoop of Metamucil. Yum. I was the first done my final today, which isn't surprising because I'm usually in the top ten fastest people in a class to finish. I just don't understand the concept of staying more than you need to. Of course I go over questions I'm a little iffy about, but I won't redo the whole test and wait until the prof kicks me out. That's just not my style. I got 15/20 on the lab exam, which is very surprising because many people fail it and the average is in the 50% range. It's only a matter of time before I get my final grade. I can't wait.

Something more of my style is that I got some new shoes today. They are saaaaweeeet. Adidas/Goodyear race shoes. I gotta give some ups here though, Ryan got them first, but I picked a different colour. They are supposed to be driving shoes, I think. Perfect, because I need super sensitive pedal feel. Mine aren't the "Golden Bears" green and gold colour though, I have some grey and blue ones. I'm gonna be strolling in Hong Kong with these babies on. It's good that they don't have many cows walking around over there, because I'd hate to step in some cow shit with these on.

Friday, June 10, 2005

foreshadowed, just like the movies

"tossed and turned in my sleep that night,
woke up the next morning, niggas had stole my bike"

- 50 Cent

My car got broken into last night. Remember when I said my neighbourhood seemed a little fishy lately? I (and some white boy who got broken into last night as well, my dad saw him at the police station when he went to report it) am the latest victim.

I woke up today differently from the regular alarm sound I hear, it was my dad's voice. He told me my car got broken into and if I had anything valuable that was in there. I fucking got up with this bad news and checked. Besides my Oakley's, nothing else was stolen. Keyword stolen. The thief attempted to steal my head unit. He obviously didn't know what the fuck he was doing, because he took the face off my NON-detachable faceplate stereo. He also didn't steal my sub and amp that were in the trunk (could've keyed in on the remote in my car, which i now hide). Phew, my sub/amp worried me the most because that's probably the most valuable thing in my car. But a $200 pair of sunglasses isn't too shabby of a booty. None of my CDs were stolen either, very good. The total damage comes to a shattered passenger front window, a $200 pair of sunglasses, and a fucked up radio. It could be so much more, but I'm still pissed off. I was sitting in chemistry today with feelings of sadness, anger, and occasional bouts of narcissitic rage. I wish I would've seen the mother fucker breaking my window. I wouldn't have felt bad bringing my 6 iron out there to tune his ass up (and I hope any of you would do the same). I suspect it was just some dumbass teenager with a hammer. First of all, pros wouldn't have targeted my $90, Future Shop special, CD player. Second of all, they would've known, and stole, my car's beats. I really hope karma is a real thing. I'll be really pissed off if it was just something the bad guys came up with to keep the good guys passive.

I was driving home from school today and realized that I have to fork out the money to buy a new stereo now. I'm lucky that my dad paid for the window. I knew my tax return came yesterday for a reason (but it won't pay for my new sunglasses and deck). I'm thinking $400 plus for my new shit. I wanted to kill some Sand People just like Anakin, kill them all. Then I thought that I don't want to walk to the dark side and calmed down again. Crime sucks. Just like Biggie says: mo' money, mo' problems. That's why people like Bono are trying to help destroy poverty, so people don't steal his shit.

You know what they say about pictures, they say a thousand words. I wish they could also punch fuckers who steal shit, so when they saw what they have done, they'd get fucked.

Here are my sunglasses. Oakley XX (or Twentys) in the Ice flavour. If you see some punk wearing them who doesn't seem like he got them legitimately, jump his ass.

Point of entry. They busted the front passenger window. There was a sickening crunch from the glass when I shut the door. The boat in the background was the boat I was talking about in my last post.

Everything looks okay here, except for the messed up radio. What a fucker.

This is what happens when you DIY detachable faceplate. Probably scratched up my 50 Cent CD too, idiot.

Just like Dave Chappelle said, people DO still steal radios. This guy was just probably trying to do it for "street cred." I can just see it: "look guys, I stole a stereo."

In conclusion, don't leave your car out on the street in my neighbourhood. Unless you have a big dog sleeping in the back seat, or better yet, you could sleep in the back seat, with a bat, better make it a bat wrapped in barbed wire.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I live in a pretty decent neighbourhood, but lately some things have made me think twice. First, I don't think my back alley is the safest place to be. Besides the kid who is always ripping around on his dirtbike annoying me when I'm doing homework, more serious things are present. First, one of the alley sharers got a boat somehow. It's weird, how can you afford a boat if you only have half a house? That's just my thinking, but anyways. It was on a trailer and the front (where you hook it onto the truck) was held up by a 3 foot piece of 4x4. I pull out of the garage one day to go to school and I think: "if I was a badass, I'd take a bat to that wood and knock the boat down." Sure enough, the next day the boat was down. There's always empty beer cans thrown everywhere too. I'm glad my poppasan put up that fence a few years ago. I mean, who walks around an alley drinking beers? Today was even more crazy. My dad is building stuff in the garage, so we have to park on the street in front of our house. I went out today for school and I found some dried red stuff on my driver side door handle and window. Hmmmmmm, someone was painting their red room, and then tried to get into my car? Fuck, I'm pretty sure it was blood. If I was a CSI and if my car was a BMW, I would've tested that shit and found out who bled on my car and then beat them with the bat that I was going to hit the wood support with. In reality, I took my car straight to the Shell station for a car wash. I felt like a guilty hit and run person. How many times have you washed blood off of your car?

This next section of today's blog is dedicated to inform the public to use signals while driving. USE YOUR SIGNALS! I've noticed that it's usually mid-40s men driving big 8 mile per gallon trucks and women who drive "cute" cars in which they can't see over the steering wheel who are the main culprits, but everyone is to blame. I don't know why, but it just gets me riled up when someone cuts in front of me without a signal, or if they weave around traffic (without signals of course). I want to be a cop just so I can't catch bastards who don't signal. It's not hard to push a little lever down while you change lanes. It is a little multi-tasking, but I'm sure with a little practice, anybody can do it.
Another thing I love to see is when somebody is following me wayyyyyy close and is obviously someone who is in a hurry. They cut to the other lane, go mad on the pedal, and then cut right back in front of me. I just give these people a thumbs up because they got their taste of being Danica Patrick for a day. I seriously don't understand how being one car length behind can make someone so agitated. Now I understand if gramps is driving 15 km/h under the speed limit in his Ford POS, but I am usually going faster than the limit. In the city, I don't see anybody getting to their destination five minutes faster than if they drove the limit, patiently. I just smile when I catch up to those hosers who sped past me in their Sunfire two minutes ago. On the highway, passing matters; in the city, pop in the Nirvana Unplugged and just chill.

Monday, June 06, 2005


Lauren, check your hotmail. I forgot your other email address (and it's not in my address book) so I sent it to that one. I want (thanks Travis for the html) need to go golfing. Anybody who wants to golf with me Friday afternoon, please let me know! It's the only time I have except for the Friday and Saturday before I leave.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Today marked the end of the first third of my chemistry class. It's intense! I've had three naps over the week. I don't know why, but it is draining. The prof said that one class is like one week of material in the regular term. I am pretty sure I've done more work in this week than my whole year of chemistry during the school year. I've had one quiz and got 11 out of 14, which is good but I could've got better if I didn't make stupid mistakes. Midterm is on Wednesday! I'm excited, the new prof is really showing me wayyyy easier ways to think of problems.

On another note, I received my Nickent ironwoods today, so my golf set is complete. I hit them on the range today and they are saaaaaaweeet. My #2 ironwood hit it just past 200 yards, which is where I need it behind my 3 wood. My swing is feeling good, but I still need to work on an inside to outside swing path. I was hitting very well today, I could've shown of to the honey working the shop if she saw. Unfortunately school is taking up my well needed golf time, so the range will have to suffice for now.