this routine riot

...a little less zoom, with a little more vroom...

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I just finished working my first summer camp. The kids' ages ranged from 10-13, so they weren't that young. It was a blast! It was kind of funny too, since there were only three boys out of the 12 participants, but I think they all had a good time. Here's a couple things I learned:
  • High School Musical is the most popular, unknown movie to these tween kids
  • camp games are super fun
  • don't step into dirty Mill Creek water, shoes and socks take forever to dry
  • Safeway hoagies make great lunches
  • teaching kids how to climb routes is awesome
  • Sponge Bob is awesome
  • staff shirts get dirty when they are worn eight hours a day, five days in a row
  • a stern look is often enough to stop a troublesome child
  • they say "shit" in The Sandlot
Good times all around. Summer camp is the shizzzznit.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I am baby Suri...

...or at least I wish I was.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I was going all Knight Rider tonight and when I was coming home, this bitch in a van pissed me off. Well, I guess I pissed her off. She was following me down 23rd ave and would come up so close to me at every light. Then at the 23rd ave. 66th st. intersection, I chilled in the front because it was a red light. She honked and a looked at the car beside me, he didn't do anything. She honked again and I looked back, she was waving me forward. I guess she suddenly became a traffic cop and vetoed the red light, so that I could go. Do people really do this? How impatient are people these days? I waited it out and went when it was green. Then, still on 23rd, I was approaching a red light again and this truck pulls out from behind me to the lane to my right. This lane ends by turning into a parking lot. I guess this guy thought that I would impede his acceleration, so he wanted to pass me from the right lane. As you may have guessed, I pulled away as usual and the truck tried to pull ahead to pass but didn't have the oomph. If I was in my car, that would be understandable, it's slow. If I was riding a scooter, that'd be understandable, they are slow. But I'm riding a motorcycle, it weighs ten times less than your truck, you impatient fuck. I should become a driving instructor, I could change the world one driver at a time.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


One of my friends was talking about how colours had different feelings/meanings to them. Here's a quiz on what colour you are! I'm green.


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

i don't care if you win by an inch or a mile

I'll start this post off with a video.

Just some random things:
I have been driving lots and I've been wondering about brakes and brake pads. If you apply the brakes lightly and take a long distance to slow down, does that wear the pads more or less if you applied the brakes hard and took a short distance to slow down? It could be a relationship, like Brake Force is directly proportional to Brake Pad Wear and indirectly proportional to Stopping Distance. Of course, this doesn't take into account the other factors such as tire grip and friction of the moving parts in the car. I just wonder because people always say to slow down lightly, but is there really a benefit in terms of brake pad wear?

Stop first, go first. 'Nuff said. I don't care if you are going straight and I am turning left.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

funny commercials

Kawasaki is funny, that's why I have one of their bikes.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

i'm ricky bobby

I'm pretty excited about this movie. Mainly because he mentions Tom Cruise in it.