Today, I can honestly say that I had some fun. I spent a day out with my god-uncle (I think that's what it translates to) and crew and the night was with my uncle and cousin. My uncle gave me the phone I decided to buy (the Motorola V600) over a few drinks. My little cousins (just turned 17 Mike and 15 year old Marco) got into the "bar" as well. Crazy. I had two Carlsbergs (they're huge here) and we decided to go to a different bar when Marco went home. My uncle thought that Mike could pass as 18, and he did. The next bar we entered was a little different, in that people played some games. My uncle is a self-described "over-the-hill" (I'm guessing 40s), but he said that they (the over-the-hills) still go out to the bars. Now this is different than the Edmonton oldies who go to have a couple of drinks at Overtime (both locations, but downtown more), because the Hong Kong oldies have a couple drinks and play a few games to relieve some stress. Hong Kong is a much faster paced city, so they drink to let it all go. My uncle calls my cousin a 3 o'clock "something" (I forgot the word). Three o'clock in that 1 and 2 o'clock for the nipples and 3 o'clock for the beaver (haha, my uncle [Ryan, this uncle is the Mini's dad] is a funny Honger. Honger humour is so funny because it's so corny). Anyways, he calls her a 3 o'clock something because she stays out until 3 all the time. Okay, lemme write about some drinking games I learned tonight before I go to bed.
These two games both involve the use of dice. You need a plastic, opaque cup and five dice for each player. Okay, let's begin:
The Lying Game (or bluffing game)This one involves some strategy. Here's how you play:
First, everyone shakes up their dice really well. You decide on a player to go first. This person starts off by guessing how many of each number of dice there are in total of everyone's dice. For example, if I am to guess: I would guess that there are four fives in all of everybody's dice. Ones are wild, unless somebody guesses that there are a certain amount of ones, in which case a one is only a one. Then the next person guesses, but this time, they must say there are at least five fives or four sixes in all of the dice combined. This means that you can guess that there are the same number as the previous guess as long as the number on the dice is more, unless you pick a higher number. In the case of four fives, I can say five dice of twos, threes, or fours (or ones if somebody said ones); but I can also say five fives or five sixes. I don't have to go up in increments of one either, in that I can say 6 or more fives right after the previous person says four fives. This game goes on until somebody opens up their dice. This means that they think the person is lying (or bluffing). If I said eight fives and somebody calls me, everybody opens their cup and pull out all the fives they have. If the total is 8 or more, then I win and the person who called me loses. If the total is less than 8, then I lose (because I bluffed) and I drink. This game is a game of strategy and is more complicated than it sounds. Mike got crunk in this game (and eventually puked).
The Lucky StarThis game involves a little more luck. It is kind of like poker, in that the ranking of hands is used. The five dice act as five cards with the ones acting as aces (the highest card). Everybody shakes up their dice and opens them up (unlike the last game where the dice are kept secret). Then you separate your dice into poker hands. You can have pairs, two pairs, trips, full houses, straights, or nothing at all. After everyone opens up, the person with the lowest hand gets to shake again. They can shake any amount of dice they want (for example, if they have a pair of threes, they can keep them and try to go for a three of a kind or four of a kind). If they open up and are still the weakest hand, they drink. If they are not the weakest hand anymore, the new weakest hand shakes again. This can go around the whole table, but you can only shake twice (your first shake and a reshake). This means that if you are still the weakest hand after your reshake, you drink. If you are the weakest hand after somebody reshook and you already reshook, then you have to drink (are my tenses correct). This one is more of a luck game. Know your poker hands.
Now I'm a little buzzed right now, but I had some super fun. There are other games where you use your hands like rock-paper-scissors, but I didn't learn those. Hope you have fun with these games! I hope I remember them when I come back, so that I can teach them to you. Now this laptop is killing my sperm and it's past 3 o'clock in the morning, so I have to sleep. Enjoy.