this routine riot

...a little less zoom, with a little more vroom...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

money, money, money, money, moneyyyyyyy

That's some old school there.

With back-to-school approaching (yes, I'm already thinking of that), the pressure of tuition fees comes up as well. I've paid for my first two years of university, but I think that's where my debt free streak will end. With coaching taking up my time during the first semester and my vacation taking up a lot of time in the summer, I've been left with few working days. Couple that with the amount of money I spent during my vacation, ahhhhh. I have about enough to pay for half a year, but then I'll be absolutely broke. I won't have money to pay for gas, a parking pass, my cellphone, and other necessities. Apple finally decided to bless us with a new iBook as well, which I have been wanting to get since Christmas. Goddamn! I've never really sweat it about money, but I am starting to. Growing up sucks. I wish I could just pay for school by mowing Quad every week or something.


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