I was going all Knight Rider tonight and when I was coming home, this bitch in a van pissed me off. Well, I guess I pissed her off. She was following me down 23rd ave and would come up so close to me at every light. Then at the 23rd ave. 66th st. intersection, I chilled in the front because it was a red light. She honked and a looked at the car beside me, he didn't do anything. She honked again and I looked back, she was waving me forward. I guess she suddenly became a traffic cop and vetoed the
red light, so that I could go. Do people really do this? How impatient are people these days? I waited it out and went when it was green. Then, still on 23rd, I was approaching a red light again and this truck pulls out from behind me to the lane to my right. This lane ends by turning into a parking lot. I guess this guy thought that I would impede his acceleration, so he wanted to pass me from the right lane. As you may have guessed, I pulled away as usual and the truck tried to pull ahead to pass but didn't have the oomph. If I was in my car, that would be understandable, it's slow. If I was riding a scooter, that'd be understandable, they are slow. But I'm riding a motorcycle, it weighs ten times less than your truck, you impatient fuck. I should become a driving instructor, I could change the world one driver at a time.