this routine riot

...a little less zoom, with a little more vroom...

Friday, November 28, 2008

stay tuned!

Some things I have been up to lately:

  • teaching
  • getting stuff for the house
  • surfing
  • Great Ocean Road Trip (great before-and-after for Wheel of Fortune)
  • surfing
  • taking trips to Bunnings (the Home Depot of Australia, it's so good)
  • living without: central heating, a clothes dryer (hang clothes outside), a rice cooker, a closet, clean underwear (just kidding)
  • eating Australian bacon
  • cooking on a gas stove
  • driving ma new whip (pictures to come)
  • drinking Australian beer
  • mowing the lawn with a whipper-snipper (aka weed whacker)
  • watching Point Break to learn Keanu's and Swayze's moves
That's about it for now.  I'll definitely elaborate on these things as I get some time.  Peace out.

Friday, November 07, 2008

bummer heights high

I just heard on the radio that HBO has taken on and is broadcasting an Aussie comedy called "Summer Heights High." If you ask any Aussie what that is, they can tell you and probably recite the whole series. It is a mocumentry of a public school in Australia with the main characters all played by one actor (Chris Lilley). This series is hilarious!!! I did get worried watching it though, because I thought maybe all schools in Australia were like this. If you can get your hands on this, definitely watch it.

On another note, we have moved lots of stuff into our new house and it is wonderful! Next up on the to-buy list is a BBQ.