this routine riot

...a little less zoom, with a little more vroom...

Friday, March 03, 2006

don't forget to bring a towel

I've recently noticed that I forget lots while I am in the shower. Not that I forget how to multiply, or forget the difference between salty and sweet, but forget about shower things. The main thing I forget is whether I soaped up with the bodywash or not. I really like just standing under the hot shower, so it's not like I go in, soap, and go out. There are vast quantities of lag time between the shampoo, conditioner, face wash, and soap. The amnesia occurs right before I shut off the water and walk out. I probably soap up twice lots of times because I forget if I soaped up already, and consequently, I probably don't soap sometimes because I think I have soaped up before when I actually have not.

More recently, the amnesia occurs when I'm drying my hair. I usually leave in the conditioner until the end, so that it has lots of time to work. The problem is that sometimes I forget to rinse it and I end up toweling my conditioner infused hair. SHIT! This one pisses me off because I have to go back to the shower to wash out the conditioner.

There are probably more things that I have forgotten, hence the amnesia. I think I need to bring a checklist into the shower.


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