put the orange in the coke, you nut
I've had lemon Coke in Chinese restaurants since I can remember. Lime Coke is a nice change when you want some Coke with a little twist. But today, I had no lemons or limes. I had oranges though. There's something about the citrus fruits that compliments the sweet taste of Coke. I squeezed in a couple slices of orange into my Coke and it was very good. Give it a try sometime. I didn't have the Coke-coated-teeth feeling afterwards as well (which is key). Orange Coke is the shit.
At 3:37 AM, February 06, 2006,
Matt Lam said…
Huh, Orange Coke, eh? And I just bought some oranges too...(and lemons as well, for the express purpose of preparing lemon coke)
At 5:20 PM, February 06, 2006,
diana said…
like a good chinese boy, making the "ling lok."
At 10:02 PM, February 06, 2006,
jarthurs said…
Update your link to my site!
Its so old!
At 4:00 PM, February 07, 2006,
ed said…
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