this routine riot

...a little less zoom, with a little more vroom...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

i feel the need, the need for speed

Tom Cruise is my hero. Looking past the Scientology, he lives the life. I watched The Fabulous Life of Tom Cruise on Much More Music, and it was mind blowing. Among other things he owns, he has a $23 million Gulfstream airplane and the only matte black MV Agusta F4 given to him by the company ($23000+ motorcycle), which he test rode on the airport runway where it was delivered to him. Now that's how you live.

I also read about (article here) a club in Edmonton called The Bank Ultra Lounge. It's a 21-and-over club, so being 18 won't cut it here (or 16 if you go to Cowboys). The slick dress code and the age restriction is supposed to provide a more mature environment where people can go without the stupidity of the highschool mentality of going out, which means getting smashed and maybe getting into a fight. Apparently, Hilary Duff went there after her concert in Edmonton, she does love the older men. I don't think it's that unique of an idea, just go to Overtime and you'll find more than enough old people chillin'. That is a target rich environment if you are going cougar hunting.


  • At 6:10 PM, January 22, 2006, Blogger Mr. 'Rabbit'son said…

    The fact that Tom Cruise was on VH1's Top 10 Celebrity Freak Out's THREE TIMES says to me the guy's a bit odd... so I think I'd need to look past a bit more than his scientology to look up to the guy. What a weirdo.

  • At 7:23 PM, January 22, 2006, Blogger Ryan said…

    Ed, you're glib.
    YOU don't KNOW the history of Tom Cruise. I KNOW the histor of Tom Cruise. You shouldn't talk about things you don't know anything about.
    You're... You're just glib.

  • At 8:48 PM, January 22, 2006, Blogger Manik said…

    His idioticness has ruined his movies for me. It really is a shame. The man made quite the entertaining films. It really takes a lot of effort to watch a tom cruise movie now without looking directly at him.

    who buys his own ultrasound machine?? I mean come on! I feel for his unborn child.

  • At 10:26 PM, January 23, 2006, Blogger Swedish Sensation said…

    Tom Cruise was good in the 80's/early 90' he's just a crazy weirdo. What the hell is he going to do with that ultra sound machine after the baby is born...use it on his head for fun?


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