the youth of the nation
Wanna see the status of our modern day youth? Just take a ride on a bus when school lets out. The observed population could be misrepresentative of all youth though, because the rich kids hardly take the bus. I do see rich girls on the bus every now and then though. How did I know that they were rich, you ask? Simple. When a high school girl walks on the bus with a Louis Vuitton bag, that's gotta be rich (I double checked to see if it was real). It was really odd though, her other clothes didn't match. She was wearing a Kappa track suit. I dunno, but that just doesn't work for me. That was like this other time when this girl walked into Red Robin with her (fake) LV bag, and wearing her soccer team sweats. I'm no fashion police, but your best bag doesn't belong with your scrubs. That's like having a brand new Taylor Made R7 Quad driver in your bag full of Canadian Tire irons, that doesn't work. Maybe all these girls just wanna be like Xtina. Maybe I missed the memo on the soccer-game-on-the-runway look.
The other batch of kids are the "rebels." They're the ones drawing on the seats with Sharpies, listening to loud music with profanities, and stealing the ads that line the top corners of the bus. What's worse is a "rebel" with his "crew." The "rebel" will feel more compelled than ever to piss people off, in order to gain their street cred.
Then there are the sleepers. These kids stay up way too late at night doing who knows what. They find the long time spent on a long bus ride the perfect time to sleep. That's cool with me, but it's not cool when you start leaning your head on my shoulder. Damn! I'm not your lover, get off of me!
The other batch of kids are the "rebels." They're the ones drawing on the seats with Sharpies, listening to loud music with profanities, and stealing the ads that line the top corners of the bus. What's worse is a "rebel" with his "crew." The "rebel" will feel more compelled than ever to piss people off, in order to gain their street cred.
Then there are the sleepers. These kids stay up way too late at night doing who knows what. They find the long time spent on a long bus ride the perfect time to sleep. That's cool with me, but it's not cool when you start leaning your head on my shoulder. Damn! I'm not your lover, get off of me!
At 4:12 AM, January 04, 2005,
Mr. 'Rabbit'son said…
yo edwardo... pardon the grade six teacher handle (who uses the word handle besides me anymore?? 'nic' if you will)... anywho--just wanted to say you missed your calling as a sociologist. In your observations I think you overlooked the music listeners (both the mp3 and cd variety), the never-stop-talking-girls/'unaware-of-bus-volume'ers, the cell phone social organizers, and what about the poor third kid who always has to sit slightly outside the group AN ENTIRE SUBCULTURE... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the blog and so glad to have you back at the bird :)
At 10:52 AM, January 04, 2005,
Ryan said…
I watched the teen choice awards yesterday and thought I was going to vomit. I've been saying it for so long how fucking retarded kids are today. I dont remember people really being like kids are today when we were their age. It's fucking TV. All about the image. Get used to the image of you wearing a goddamn McDonalds shirt because that is your fucking pathetic future. Motherfucking kids.
At 11:52 AM, January 05, 2005,
ed said…
Travis, I love sociology. It's interesting stuff! I had to take a "sociocultural aspects of sport" course last year, so I am slightly educated in the subject area.
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