I had a weird dream last night. The setting is mainly in SUB and in the quad at the U of A, but we were also at some ski resort. The characters: me, Nigel (one of my old Red Robin managers and golfing phenom), and JoJo. Yes, JoJo, the 14 year old singer that thinks that she is black. I think the dream starts on a mountain and I was doing some snowboarding. I don't remember who I was with, but when we went back to the hotel and I was walking down a hall I saw JoJo walking the other way and we passed. I didn't think much of it. Then I was packed up the next day and was waiting in some kind of lobby with a huge circular, glass skylight and I saw her again. She seemed kinda lost or something and we started talking. I don't remember what it was about, but she went back to the U of A with me. We were hanging out at SUB and it was weird because people kept coming up to me just because I knew JoJo. It was like I was instantly crazy popular. Then we were going to walk to CAB and in the double doors I saw Nigel. He had a pizza box or something and asked if we could talk. He asked about JoJo or something and gave me a few pieces of pizza. Then JoJo had to leave or something, so she was gone. I went back into SUB and shared my pizza with some random. I know what you're thinking, but I wasn't all over her or trying to seduce her or shit. I was more like her friend in the city. Hey, it was weird, but who says dreams make sense? I've had some crazy Spider-Man dreams in the past, but I can't remember them right now. Man, remembering dreams is fun!
At 1:53 AM, December 23, 2004,
ames said…
Better than a Jamaican doctor wrapping your feet in wet paper towel.
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