Now I don't watch too much daytime TV because I'm at school, but during this exam period I've been watching some Ellen. My sister took a week off of work, so she's at home all the time now. She likes to watch TV. Since I can see the TV from the computer, I watch what she watches. I don't wake up and turn on the TV to watch Ellen, but when my sister watches it I can't help but turn my head to watch some too. I don't know if you watch the show, but Ellen likes to do a little dance at the beginning of every show. When she dances, it makes me happy. It's funny, but I don't laugh. It is definitely an unconventional emotion! I'm not afraid to admit that I think the show is enjoyable. Ellen's a funny woman, no doubt about it. Today she uncovered who "big gin," the gingerbread man, was. Guess who it was. None other than JT himself, Justin Timberlake. After they took his gingerbread head off, they played some MC Hammer and he started dancing. I haven't laughed that hard since when he was on SNL. Ahhhh, good stuff. Now back to studying.
At 12:34 PM, December 17, 2004,
Ryan said…
You heart Ellen and you heart JT.
You are two for two in the hearting fags category.
At 5:38 PM, December 17, 2004,
Manik said…
Ellen is hilarious. And ryan is a loser. And I heart ellen, and I dont heart ryan, cuz he says i break couches, which is such a lie. I broke one couch...where did the pluralization come from? Huh?? Where??
And the ellen dance makes me happy too. And eddie's awesome for liking ellen. And ryan is not awesome. And Im very tired. So Im going to study.
"bring it on down to omlettevillllle!!!"
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