this routine riot

...a little less zoom, with a little more vroom...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

good gateway, good

I was just checking out the Gateway website and found an interesting feature. It's called You're so money, baby. And you don't even know it, a line from the movie Swingers. Vince Vaughn says this line to Jon Favreau, who has not been having any luck with the ladies. You should watch the movie. Anyways, the article is basically a dating for dummies type of thing. I didn't read all of it, but I found one interesting point:
  • Don’t ever put a female on a pedestal—this is psychological suicide.
Don't do it! Once they know they have the upper hand, they'll bitch slap you (metaphorically, of course).

Good job Gateway, I applaud you. Now give me free film so I can shoot pictures of squirrels in the snow.


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