post super-royale-bigmac syndrome
Today I ate the biggest burger of my life. It was basically a Royal burger, but super sized. The Royal burger is a burger with mayo, lettuce, tomato, bacon, and an egg. This is a realllly good burger from the Bird, one of my favourites. The Big Mac version was (from top to bottom): top bun, mayo, lettuce, tomato, bacon, patty, mid bun, bacon, bbq sauce, patty, bottom bun. It weighed in at a healthy 1 lb 5 oz. Brock weighed it for me. It started out as a "what should I eat" and turned out to a "do it! do it!" So I did it. It took me well over 10 minutes to officially finish it. The last few bites were agonizing! I did it though, and that's what matters. But never again (break out Chad Kroeger). It felt like my hands were falling asleep after I started walking around. I might have been the next heart and stroke victim right there. I took it down though, took it down! Supersize ME!!!!!!
At 9:38 AM, February 03, 2005,
Ryan said…
Man, that is nuts. A regular Royal Burger is hard to finish. That had to be like 3000 calories. I tip my hat to you. Now I know why you shit so much.
At 7:09 PM, February 03, 2005,
Manik said…
That deserves a slow clap. And ryan your'e disgusting.
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