don't ask her on a straight tequila night
The other night, I had a weird dream. It was heavily influenced by the (newer) Dawn of the Dead movie. You know, the one where zombies bite people and then they turn into zombies to bite other people. It was slightly different though, in that these zombies were scared of paper, super weird. I think I made some brass knuckles with paper and started punching zombies at one point in the dream, and it worked. I was part of the zombie fighting crew and our main hideout was in a stationary store in a mall. Then this woman gave birth to a zombie baby (just like the movie) and we were all trying to be sympathetic to her giving birth. But straight out of the womb, this thing was crawling so fast and was about to do some ankle-biting. It was coming right for my ankle so I did a full wind-up, David Beckham style kick on this zombie baby and then somebody caged the body with a flipped over shopping cart. People weren't mad at me though, it was a zombie! Regular babies don't start crawling right out of the womb, ya know. I killed a baby in my dream, a zombie baby.
At 4:49 PM, April 25, 2006,
diana said…
wicked dream. one time i had a dream i had a pet killer whale, but it wasn't in the ocean or anything, we kept it in the basement and i was pouring water on it. and i didn't even watch free willy before going to bed that night.
At 10:49 AM, April 26, 2006,
ed said…
haha, that's so mean, just pouring water on it
At 10:06 PM, April 26, 2006,
Rosanna =) said… two are f*cked up....but then again, I've had my share of weird dreams too...
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