we ride together, we die together
Today, I watched one of my recently purchased DVDs, Bad Boys II. I think it's such a good movie, pure goodness. So good that I might even watch it again tomorrow. But I digress from my true intention of posting this blog.
Tonight was one of my friend's going away party. She's going on a huge trip with her parents, so she decided to have a get together at Squires. I've never been there, but conveniently enough, it is just across from my work (I had to work tonight too). I popped in after work and saw some people, said some hellos, and got me my well deserved after-work-drink. Most of the people there were from my high school and I knew, or knew of, most of them. Then an influx of tall guys came in and started lifting up the girls, oh they did some talking with them in between lifts. I was told that they were from the junior high era (I never went to their junior high, but have seen some of them in high school)! I just thought that was ridiculous. I was never a jock, but I was an athlete. Some of these guys were never athletes, but they were jocks. Anyways, some of us felt a little ock-word there, so we went on a stroll to the Starbucks. That was more fun than Squires, unless you love watching people try to relive their high school glory. It's so weird when people you don't really know ask you what you've been up to lately. You get that feeling that they are just asking because it's what you do, and not because they really care. I don't even know what to tell them because it's not like they knew what I was doing before (how do you define lately?).
Random, unrelated things:
Tonight was one of my friend's going away party. She's going on a huge trip with her parents, so she decided to have a get together at Squires. I've never been there, but conveniently enough, it is just across from my work (I had to work tonight too). I popped in after work and saw some people, said some hellos, and got me my well deserved after-work-drink. Most of the people there were from my high school and I knew, or knew of, most of them. Then an influx of tall guys came in and started lifting up the girls, oh they did some talking with them in between lifts. I was told that they were from the junior high era (I never went to their junior high, but have seen some of them in high school)! I just thought that was ridiculous. I was never a jock, but I was an athlete. Some of these guys were never athletes, but they were jocks. Anyways, some of us felt a little ock-word there, so we went on a stroll to the Starbucks. That was more fun than Squires, unless you love watching people try to relive their high school glory. It's so weird when people you don't really know ask you what you've been up to lately. You get that feeling that they are just asking because it's what you do, and not because they really care. I don't even know what to tell them because it's not like they knew what I was doing before (how do you define lately?).
Random, unrelated things:
- Want to conduct a social experiment? Go observe some Christmas shopping.
- My fastest time on the beginner minesweeper is 21 seconds.
- I've gone out every night since my exams finished. I never go out.
- I am looking for a girlfriend. (That one's for you Melissa!, hahahahaha)
- I am looking harder for a motorcycle.
At 2:43 PM, December 25, 2005,
Rosanna =) said…
Squires used to be the place to be on Tuesday nights. It was cheap recycled beer night.
When someone asks you about what your up to...just say that you qualified for the Olympics in figure skating. - this is Matt, too lazy to sign in as a different user.
At 4:38 PM, December 25, 2005,
Ryan said…
My german instructor at school has her undergrad degree in linguistics [what a waste] and she read a bunch of studies about when people say shit like "how are you?" or "what have you been up to?" They truly don't care a ridiculously high percentage of the time. It's really just something that has somehow become engrained in our society. Apparently people don't ask stuff like that nearly as often as in North America. So making shit up, as Matt suggested, is pretty sweet. I'm a ninja. Or maybe a figure skater by day, ninja by night.
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