this routine riot

...a little less zoom, with a little more vroom...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

funk soul brother

Right about now, I'm about half way done my work term at YoWoChAs. It's been reallllly great. Mosquitoes are huge, but super slow meaning I kill about 1.6 million a day.

I've had two days off after about two weeks of work (we went to Jasper in between, but since I didn't come home, it didn't feel like days off). It feels good, but at the same time awkward. I'm used to waking up and having to walk 50 metres to the office to use the washroom. At home, I just have to hold my pee in for a five second walk.

I'm used to sleeping at night to the sound of frogs and other animals at camp. At home, I turn on the stereo for some background sounds.

At home, I eat whenever, wherever. I'm used to set meal times at camp.

I don't drink out at camp. I miss drinking.

At home, I tell people when I go poo poo. At camp, I tell people when I go poo poo.


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