nouveau nombre
Once again, I have a new mobile phone number. This one will be good for at least two years though (under the "Fido Agreement"). I set up the new phone at Best Buy yesterday because of the free $100 gift card offer, but it was a horrible experience. First, there was nobody attending to the cell phone department, so I walked around to find a guy. I already knew which plan and phone I wanted, so I thought it'd be a cakewalk. Boy was I wrong. By the way, this is all happening at the west end Best Buy because the south side Best Buy was sold out of the phone I wanted (the Sony Ericsson T610). So the guy is helping me activate the phone now on the computer. It's a self serve kind of thing where you fill in online forms with all the info (my info and the phone and SIM card info). It's all going good and then we hit a snag. The form says we put in an invalid phone number in my "home phone number" space and we can't get past it. This is happening while the guy helping me is also flagged down by four other customers. He's freaking out and telling me how there is supposed to be seven guys on right now but none of them are here. Then he's saying how the computer is so stupid because it won't let us continue on the activation. The man starts dropping f-bombs. A girl just keeps going on about how her Telus phone gets horrible reception and the Best Buy guy is trying to help both of us at once. I just want my phone and my $100 gift card!!!! If it wasn't for the $100 gift card, I would have just gone to a Fido place to set this up. Finally two guys come in to help at the cellular department and my guy gets on the phone to do a "call in" activation. He has trouble getting through and continues to show his frustration. "What!, has Fido gone under or something!?" My eyes are just going from side to side, I would've been whistling if I had a good tune in my head at the time. Finally he gets a tone and he is on hold. He talks to some "Mark" guy from Fido and we are on our way. I said I wanted a number to end in 1199 because that was what my old Bell phone ended in and the Mark guy goes and does his search. After about five minutes on hold, he comes back and tells me he couldn't find 1199, but he found some other "easy" ones and he lists them off to me. They are ridiculous, like 7104 and other random ones that I couldn't remember. So I ask him if there is 6686, like my most recent number and he goes on his five minute search again. Finally he comes back and tells me he couldn't find it. I suggest other double numbers like 3366 and stuff and he comes back with a firm: "like I said before sir, there are no more double numbers." Fuck man, why did you make me hold for so long when you knew that there weren't the numbers in the first place? I can hear the frustration in the Mark guy's voice now so I just settle on a number (I called Fido and changed it once I got home). Time to go right? About an hour has passed since I walked into the store and I'm finally on the way to the checkout. At the checkout, the young lady rings it in and hits a few more snags. First she was having trouble ringing in the SIM card number into the computer. After that was settled, she didn't know how to reduce the price of the phone to $24.99 because I have the two year agreement. This other guy comes in and fixes that. We're ready to go!!! Oh no, I still need my $100 gift card. They try some stuff and we're back at square one. I wanted to leave at that point, but the phone had already been activated, so I couldn't. Ahhhhhhhh, I wanted to fight someone at that time. We finally get the computer stuff worked out and I'm out of there about an hour and a half after I got there. Anyways, I have unlimted everything for six months so call me, text message me, or if you can, picture message me. I'm on an unlimited incoming call plan too, so please call me, because I won't call you (unless I love you).
At 7:14 PM, September 08, 2005,
ed said…
It would've costed the same if I just bough a SIM card, so I got the phone (and SIM card). I can then switch out the card into my sweet phone and use my new Fido phone as a back up!
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