yeah, whateva
It has come to my attention that I have some pretty long hair. I know I have long hair and I've had one haircut in the last 6-7 months, but there's a reason.
I think haircuts are a waste of life.
That's right, I said it. Along with cutting nails, I think haircuts are a waste of life. I mean, you grow it constantly only to cut it constantly? And it costs so much! Okay, I admit it, hair can really make or break how a person looks. But that wouldn't matter very much if we all had no hair, or if we all had ridiculously long hair. Wahh wahh, but then we'd have no individuality, wahh wahh wahh. You can still wear different glasses or different clothes, you idiot. Seriously, if everyone had no hair, we wouldn't know any better anyways, so what's the big deal. Sitting in a hair salon chair, all the waiting, all the washing, goddamn. Do I not care how I look? Of course I care, you can't not care about appearances in our modern day world, but I guess my threshold is just a bit larger. You think I have long hair? Yeah, whateva.
Suck my big fat hair bitches.
I think haircuts are a waste of life.
That's right, I said it. Along with cutting nails, I think haircuts are a waste of life. I mean, you grow it constantly only to cut it constantly? And it costs so much! Okay, I admit it, hair can really make or break how a person looks. But that wouldn't matter very much if we all had no hair, or if we all had ridiculously long hair. Wahh wahh, but then we'd have no individuality, wahh wahh wahh. You can still wear different glasses or different clothes, you idiot. Seriously, if everyone had no hair, we wouldn't know any better anyways, so what's the big deal. Sitting in a hair salon chair, all the waiting, all the washing, goddamn. Do I not care how I look? Of course I care, you can't not care about appearances in our modern day world, but I guess my threshold is just a bit larger. You think I have long hair? Yeah, whateva.
Suck my big fat hair bitches.

At 11:23 PM, July 04, 2006,
Ryan said…
Couldn't agree more. That's why I cut my own. Waste of time and money. Mainly money. It's like that Mountain Crest commercial: "Forty-bucks for one haircut?! That's ridiculous!"
At 1:51 AM, July 05, 2006,
Matt Lam said…
Yeah, my hair is kinda getting long. It could be because I need to figure out how to explain what I German.
At 7:28 PM, July 05, 2006,
diana said…
don't you still get your hair cut in chinatown? it's cheaper there.
get ryan to cut your hair, what's the worst that could happen, your hair grows so fast anyways.
At 9:25 PM, July 05, 2006,
Rosanna =) said…
I get my hair cut 2, maybe 3 times a year. Now that I don't get any color done (i'm embracing my blackness as long as I can before i HAVE to dye it!), I don't need to go as often. I LOVE going to get my hair done!! The awesome scalp massage, seeing all my hair left on the floor.....and matt says everytime I get a hair cut, I walk with an extra bounce in my step...hahaha
At 7:55 AM, July 08, 2006,
Ida's Studio said…
Totally agree with you. The bad thing is I have too much hair and it never sits on my head as I want it :(
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